Thursday, January 31, 2008

Six (ONLY six?) Quirky Things About Me

I've been tagged by mom huebert of Chocolate After Supper to produce a list of six quirky things about me. Of course, my first reaction was--ONLY six?!

I took my cue on where to start from mom huebert's list (see #1, #4, and #6). Some of those things certainly sounded familiar to me.


1. I love school, too. I not only loved it as a child, but have loved it as an adult. It looks to me like a big gateway to hope and endless possibilities. I'm presently working with some folks to see if we can put together some funding that will allow me to return for yet more school for a career that will better suit the present circumstances.

2. I do have an Associates Degree, but usually have to explain what it is when I mention that my major was Nondestructive Testing. For those who've never seen friends or family setting up a radiation perimeter around their isotope camera, it involves using non-invasive test methods to determine the integrity of production parts. The methods include ultrasound, X-ray or gamma source film exposure, and some cool electromagnetic things that don't have hospital equivalents, since not many people are made of steel.

3. My left eye doesn't dilate much because of scarring from some inflammations. If I walk too quickly though a change in lighting, I'll not have enough time to adjust and will run into things ahead and to my left. I've never seen it, obviously, but I'd bet it's pretty funny to watch!

4. I also am heartbroken by mismatches between words and actions,particularly when the failure to reconcile them is mine. I just got an e-mail from a friend who's currently involved in prison ministry that commented on her can't-take-it-anymore frustration with churches that form action committees for poverty and isolation issues, but never actually do much of anything for people. A board meeting in three weeks that may or may not yield assistance won't help someone who'll have their utilities shut off the day after tomorrow. God, grow us all up beyond the stage of being clouds without water.

5. My Myers-Briggs personality type is the INTJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging). A counselor that I spoke with yesterday agreed that it's a rare type in itself, and probably particularly so for women. The women cited as being INTJs were people like nuclear physicist Dr. Lise Meitner and philosopher Ayn Rand, who made a career out of blowing off social convention. Reading some of the descriptions of the type have helped me understand some of the painful communication breakdowns that have taken place in my life. I still can't figure out why girls travel to bathrooms in herds, for example. It's a little easier for me to appeal to the State Director of Health and Human Services to get my mother health benefits that had been denied than it is to hug her, partly because I can better understand the functional imperative of the former to her well-being. I love people and spend a lot of my time working in their behalf, but in behind-the-scene ways like prayer and networking, and with the one-on-one listening and reflecting sessions. I seem to have resources that match needs show up in ways that make me feel like I was steered toward them. I feel like a divine bureaucrat sometimes. I probably wouldn't qualify for social director.

6. Like mom huebert, I spend quite a bit of time composing stories or poems in my head when I'm doing things that don't require a lot of concentration. Most don't make it into print because I don't write them down soon enough, but the flight of fancy in itself is an entertaining way to keep the dust off of the unused brain cells.


Next, I post the rules, to be repeated by the next wonderfully quirky person on their blog:

~Link to the person that tagged you
~Post the rules on your blog
~Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
~Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
~Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website

Then, I name some people whose uniqueness I would like to celebrate (although I might not make it to six):

Maria at Jubilee on Earth
Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
MiKael at MiKael's Mania - Arabian Horses
and My Clouds, My Storms....
Pastor Parato at Minister's Musings

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